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Unconference 2012

FLOSS UK unconference hosted by BCS Open Source SG (OSSG) Sponsored by Bytemark Hosting

09:00 - 17:00 Saturday 27th October 2012

Venue: BCS, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA

Book online (free, but registration required for refreshments and lunch numbers).

See map and travel information at: http://www.bcs.org/upload/pdf/london-office-guide.pdf

On Twitter? We have an event on lanyrd.

This is our third un-conference and is very kindly being hosted by BCS OSSG.

What is an unconference? An unconference is a conference where what happens is organised by the delegates on the day. The event organisers have to arrange something, the main one being a venue, but the rest is down to the delegates. So all the hassle of talk submissions, review and scheduling is taken away.


The unconference starts…

Experience shows that the unconference format results in high quality sessions focussed on what delegates want.

There is no charge to attend but donations (on the door) will be accepted to help fund the event. Everyone should be able to afford to come, and as it is a one-day event you will not need to incur accommodation costs, though several hotels are nearby for anyone who wishes to stay over.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Why attend?

There are lots of reasons to attend the FLOSS UK Unconference 2012, including:

2016-04-12 19:54