Lightning Talks
NetProg: a next generation software development
- by Ben Jefferson
- programming without writing code
- create nodes, for either/and input node or output node
- connect the nodes
- sending data packets across line
- reconnect nodes to form a loop
- we could actually see the data packets moving across the nodes and connectors
demo site at
ZFS Snapshots vs LVM Snapshots
- by Tim Fletcher
- LVM is horribly slow
- ZFS is better ... see tomorrow's talk
Either 'user education does not work', or 'desktop configuration management'
- by Colin Higgs
- people voted for the former
- asking people to update something manually ... 25% did
- telling people if they don't update what we asked them their card details will be stolen ... almost 50% did what we asked them
- we then decided education does not work, and we ended up automating the task
Graphic/chart presentation of intrusion detection log files with Python
- by Stephen Quinney
import pandas (see
- import matplotlib
Centralised logging with logstash and Kibana
- by Matthew Richardson
- filter and convert plain log data into structured data
- logstash example configuration
- sections:
- * input { ... }
- * filter
- {
- grok { ... }
- .. elasticsearch { ... }
- {
- then use Kibana for graphical presentation
- or use Kibana Stream (a bit like tail -f)
- by Ian Norton
- a recommended CRM-type system for any membership organisation
- a PHP plugin for Drupal/Joomla/WordPress
- uses the Smarty templating system
- Civi Contribute
- Civi Event
- custom data
Living with Students / Bytemark Symbiosis
- by Tim Dobson
- sharing with students does mean they will eat your food
- Symbiosis is peace of mind for average web developers (no beanstalkd or node.js etc)
The ultimate Debian database
- by Jon Dowland
- put all data you can find in ONE database
- run any kind of queries against it, to get some aggregate information
- it's the same situation like at many universities (disparate data everywhere)
- whats' not yet addressed are data protection issues which may arise from aggregating information from different sources